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Tuesday, 13 March 2012
10 Things to AVOID on a job interview
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Competition is getting fiercer as the economy takes a dive, and no one wants to be un-employed at times like these. You cross your fingers, pray for the best, and some of you even pick an outfit to wear on their dream job interview, but what most of us always fail to do is prepare themselves for the most important conversation in their career. Here are tips on what NOT to do if you really want that job!
1. Wardrobe malfunction: as logical as it may seem, some people actually don’t care about their attire on that day. A woman dressing inappropriately (with too much skin showing or even cleavage) is a common misunderstanding on the word “chic”. It’s not a date, cover up! As for men, it goes without saying, jeans and sneakers are NOT an option (neither is a tuxedo).
2. Friendly: being friendly is nice, but being familiar can harm you. The person interviewing you will most probably become your boss, not a co-worker so keep stories about your niece, dog, or wife to yourself (been there, done that!)
3. Mobiles: switch your cell phone off before you head into that room. You don’t want it to interrupt the interview, and you most certainly won’t pick up, so to avoid the hassle of going through your purse/ pockets, just switch it off before the interview starts.
4. Lying: whether it’s on your CV or on the spot, it is un-acceptable on so many levels.
5. Gum Popping: It goes without saying of course, unless you’re applying for a *wink wink* job. don't forget that piece of gum in your mouth.
6. Tell a joke: it’s a plus to be funny and have good rapport, you don't want to be the “clown” though. No jokes!
7. Don't just SIT there: ask questions, interact, seem interested. Your employer needs to know that you are seriously considering this position and not just there to waste time. Don’t ask salary related questions though unless you are asked.
8. A job interview is the Last place you want to be late to. If you do happen to face a problem on your way over or are a bit late, do phone the company and let them know you’ll be there shortly.
9. Don't pull a chair UNLESS YOU'RE TOLD. I know it sounds a little “Classroomy”, but you are not advised to have a seat unless you're offered one. Also make sure you greet the interviewer with a firm handshake upon arrival and exit.
10. DO NOT TALK ABOUT SEX, RELIGION, OR POLITICS! No matter what is going around you in your country, avoid these three taboo topics.
It’s tough to land a job these days, let alone a good one. So, when you get an interview to a position you actually like, don't take it lightly. Study for the party, work hard for it, and most importantly don't over-promise and under-deliver. Good luck!
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2 Responses to “10 Things to AVOID on a job interview”
14 March 2012 at 12:20
Hi Aamir ,
Yes,in generally good advices, but in many countries and situations it really matters what is going around !!!
best regards, Maciej
2 April 2012 at 01:25
:) yes definitely
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